HomeRelaxed Male BlogGoalsYour Best Year Yet! – Ep 161

Your Best Year Yet! – Ep 161

Tools Needed

  • Notebook
  • Pen/s
  • Determination


Now I have been talking about

Break the plan down into sizable chunks

Use the Smart goal technique

  • Specific –
  • Measurable –
  • Attainable –
  • Relevant –
  • Timely –

This technique is just the start. It is nothing more than a starting place. This helps you get your thoughts in order and determine how you will proceed. Because when you take the SMART technique and add it to something like the 12-week year, you start making massive strides.

this is because you are starting to become as intense to your cause as you have ever before. You are going to become gazelle focused. Things that start to draw you away typically will not have that power over you anymore. All because you do have a plan.

12-week year

The 12-week year is a means of breaking up a year. Long goals into smaller more manageable bites. This means you have four subgoals. Those sub-goals are broken up into 12 mini-goals. Those mini-goals are what you focus on each week. It takes the SMART goal strategy and applies Micro habits so that you have a better chance of succeeding.


This is where the rubber meets the road. You have to try and fail then try again only to fail some more. This is where your mindset starts to change. Growing and changing so that your goals are attainable is at the heart of all that we want to do. This means we have to grow and we have to fail. As we fail, we learn. As we learn, we grow. Rinse and repeat till you find your success.

if you truly want the fulfillment, you were after you have to work on your thoughts. The thoughts create your results. When you have the right thought for the right circumstance you have success. So how do you figure out what the right thought is? Essentially, you use the scientific method. No not the method that modern scientist use, where they make a theory and think that is all that is needed. You have to try something that you believe might work, and when it doesn’t examine why it didn’t work make one small adjustment and try again. This is also called trial and error.

Find a way to keep to the plan. This is where you will have to try and try and try again. you will find out that you are just playing the part and not actually making any progress. This can be highly frustrating. This can keep you from reaching those goals. This is why you need to review regularly.


What is working and what isn’t? Do you want to make sure you always ask yourself three questions?

Review your actions every week to find out what is working and what is not working. This allows you to make the needed adjustments to reach your goal. If writing a blog post every week isn’t getting you the results you want then you might want to change something about the blog post. Maybe the type of blog post needs to be changed maybe you need to change to a podcast. How do you know, you try.

As you keep trying, you’re going to find thoughts that come up that are going to try to keep you from finding your goal. They are going to get you spinning in doubt and confusion. These thoughts are going to keep you playing small. All thanks to your brain wanting to make sure that it seeks pleasure, Avoids pain, and remains efficient as possible.

Something new is unpleasant. Failure is painful and learning something new isn’t energy efficient so going to a new possibility and goal goes against everything your brain doesn’t want. That is until you reach your goal.

If you are interested in reaching a new goal and seeing what is actually possible in your world. reach out and let’s talk. If you would like to have a consult and see if we are a good fit, please Schedule today

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The Relaxed Male

The Relaxed Male
Bryan Goodwin

The Relaxed Male is a podcast that helps men find their purpose and learn to breathe. We offer solutions for when life gets tough. Whether it’s divorce or just the stress of everyday life, we can help you get back on your feet and be the man you want to be. You deserve more than what society tells us we should do as men. Be the father your children need, be the partner your spouse needs, and most importantly – be yourself! This all starts with you getting out of your own way and deciding how you are going to live life.