HomeRelaxed Male BlogVideoWhat You Can Learn From the Movie Taxi Driver

What You Can Learn From the Movie Taxi Driver

Why is the movie Taxi Driver so loved by men? It is an interesting question and the answer is just as fascinating. One channel decided to address that and has ti interesting insight as to why Taxi Driver grabbed our attention so much.

The big reason is that Taxi Driver is a story about a man who has isolated himself. He was ex-military in the 70’s the reception in the US wasn’t the best. Yet he held to that lost identity because of the clothes he wore. Yet there is a different message that you want to see about this film.

You see many of today’s men struggling with this very thing. They have all the signs and exhibit many of the same problems that the lead character Travis Bickle exhibits. From using porn to numb the loneliness to Insomnia and paranoia. This is something men have combated for their entire life. We are always seeking connection with others because we have our own thoughts and emotions.

Lacking meaning and purpose

Most men don’t have meaning in their life. They struggle and work hard but don’t have a why. They aren’t serving their purpose and because of that, they don’t allow their soul to fully shine. They don’t know why they are where they are. and WIth that unintentional life, they often find themselves in places they don’t want to be.

Senses the emptiness that’s surrounding him Beccucase Travis Bickle doesn’t have a purpose he doesn’t fully know what he stands for. His exposure to New York’s 1970s Nightlife is showing him a side of society he doesn’t want to see. His thoughts of what is right are fading away. He sees that they are wrong but doesn’t think of how he fits into the circumstance. He loathes those around him but still acts as if he doesn’t have any agency in his part.


This is the men putting a woman on a pedestal. Where they see this woman as a means of making them complete when in all reality this is something that women cant accomplish. They cant rise to these lofty heights. Because of this men actually cause more damage to the relationship than they create. This created more detachment and loneliness.


This is the last part of men who are all alone. They see their emotions as the result of those around them rejecting who they are. Whether they did reject the person or not. This resentment grows till it hit a point where something has to change. Often this change leads to violence.

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The Relaxed Male

The Relaxed Male
Bryan Goodwin

The Relaxed Male is a podcast that helps men find their purpose and learn to breathe. We offer solutions for when life gets tough. Whether it’s divorce or just the stress of everyday life, we can help you get back on your feet and be the man you want to be. You deserve more than what society tells us we should do as men. Be the father your children need, be the partner your spouse needs, and most importantly – be yourself! This all starts with you getting out of your own way and deciding how you are going to live life.