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Where Did The Spark Go? – EP 224

In relationships, we often will slide into a form of comfort routine that is called the Roommate Syndrome The Roommate Syndrome Where sparks go to smolder. Why does this happen? past disagreements It is easier Rejection free How to rekindle the spark Know what the roommate syndrome is about. Start with the end in mind Much like the word rekindle you have to use kindling Kindling is a small flammable material that you can use to grow an ember into a bonfire. It starts with the small stuff Rediscover the silly you Summary Here is a detailed summary of the key points from this podcast episode: The episode discusses the “roommate syndrome” that can happen in marriages, where the spark and passion fade over time. The host, Brian, explains that this happens because of our unintentional thoughts and mindsets over the course of a long-term relationship. He notes that as…

Why Do We Like The Drama?

No matter how you describe it, drama is always around. Whether it is from gossip from your buddy at the coffee shop or “news” in the form of gossip websites. We are all about drama. Many times us men like to point to women and say they like drama, and they do. However men if you are honest we get caught up with drama too. Whether it is someone we don’t like who is tripping up or someone we like who is having a hard time. Then again we like to talk about the gossip around town too. We are human we love the emotions that drama creates. We love the power we have while we commiserate with a good friend about those annoying neighbors down the street and their horrible kids. The emotional highs and lows we experience from gossiping with other men. What is drama? Now drama can…

The Art of Saying “No” Without Guilt or Apology

The word NO is the first word you learn today after Mom and Dad. Yet this word is often ground out of us as we grow up. We express NO, and our parents override us. Now I am not saying that we should do what toddlers demand. Because that would be in poor judgment. Kids don’t know right from wrong and they saying they are going to eat their vegetables when we know that they need to negate any claims that toddler has over what they’re going to eat.  But in doing, so, we also start to realize that boundaries don’t get observed. Our parents step past or overrule our objections, when we are clearly in adult years. Our no’se’s and objections get vetoed by bosses and there’s been a lot of work done to help people to create strong boundaries. But this is about the people who have a…

Never give up

What would the world look like if one man didn’t give up. Our world would be completely different. Yet this man didn’t give up. He kept going even when his job was threatened.

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